M1 General Physics

Welcome Day on Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 10:00 AM at building 625 (hbar) in Orsay (lecture room A6). Please do come to the Welcome Day and attend lectures and classes even if you have not finished your formal enrolment process yet!

Enrolment and administrative registration : In principle, administrative enrolment should have resumed on the 19 August. However, as a consequence of the massive hacking attack that struck Université Paris-Saclay, it has been temporarily suspended. It should resume on the 9 September. Updates on the situation are provided by Université Paris-Saclay on https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/. Should you wish to check the status of your administrative registration or ask questions regarding the administrative process (e.g. payment of fees, getting the student ID, etc.), you may do so by filling the following online form: https://limesurvey.centralesupelec.fr/index.php/887394 (check the Faculté des sciences d’Orsay button). You may also try to reach the Registrar’s Office of the Science Faculty in Orsay by phone, +33 (0)1  69 15 55 13, or by email, scolarite.ufrsciences@gmail.com.

Info for international students: International students can get information and ask questions through a specific WhatsApp discussion group — dedicated to international students enrolling at Université Paris-Saclay arriving in France for the 1st time: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EZct3wkcS4v7LhiA1o5T5C. In addition, the GATE opens on August 29th! It provides international students, scientists and employees who live, study, or work in the Paris-Saclay area with the opportunity to complete the main administrative and practical procedures related to their settlement and stay in France, all in one place.
Make an appointment with the GATE: https://www.smartagenda.fr/pro/gate-paris-saclay/rendez-vous/.
Location: University library, building 407, rue du Doyen Georges Poitou, Orsay.
Opening hours: 9:00 – 13:00 from Monday to Friday (29 August – 20 December).

Contacts of the M1 General Physics programme

Timetable for the first semester